Terms and Conditions
Last Updated on September 1st, 2021
The website of Real Estate Educators (the “Company”) provides an online platform (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) to help its users avail of real estate courses content of the Company.
Before you can use the Site or any of the services of the Company, it is an absolute prerequisite that you first unconditionally agree with these terms and conditions and privacy policies. Hence, we highly encourage you to completely read and discern these terms and conditions and privacy policies prior to any usage of the Site or any of the services found therein.
When using the Site or any of its services, you also agree and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age, or if you are between the ages of 13 and 18, have gone over these terms and conditions and privacy policies with your parents/legal guardians, and have obtained their advice and consent (together with yours) to contractually agree with these terms and conditions and privacy policies and/or any of the offered services of the Company, and their accompanying terms.
These documents are the policies and rules which govern your use of the Site and the Company's services, any information which you may give to the same, the information which you may receive, and all matters relating to your use of the Site or its services.
Therefore, if you disagree with any of these terms, then you are hereby required to immediately discontinue your use of the Site or its services, until such time when you have already, and actually accepted and agreed to all these terms. Should you decide to continue in any way your use of the Site or any of its services, you hereby acknowledge your agreement to be bound by these documents, or even any changes made therein by any officer, agent, or employee of the Company.
You acknowledge and agree that the Company, in its sole discretion, can modify these terms and conditions as it sees fit, without having the obligation to give you any form of notification. You further agree that any amendments to these documents shall be automatically binding on you, and that the duty and responsibility of updating yourself with any changes is solely yours. Should the Company decide to notify you anyway of any amendments to this document, you agree that the latter has the sole discretion to choose any medium with which to inform you of such changes.
Service Fees and Delivery
You hereby agree that you will pay for any fees or any content offerings of the Site or Company which you have availed of in writing.
Digital Delivery
Delivery of the Company’s services or content that you have availed of shall be digitally, and upon your full payment of indicated fees and compliance with these terms, or any other agreement or policy required by the Company as a requisite to avail of its products or services.
You agree that all fees should be received by the Site / Company on a net basis, and that you are responsible for shouldering any payment facility fees, taxes, interests, or any other charges, whether international or local. If the Company made a mistake in terms of the amount which it billed or charged from you, the Company reserves all rights to make additional charges on account of taxes, payment facility charges, or any other charges which it will need to collect in order to ensure that the Company will receive the indicated subscription fee without any deductions.
The Company hereby reserves the right to enforce new services, content (including discontinuance or modification thereof), prices, and to change or alter the fees of its services.
Services Information
By using the Site of the Company, you hereby agree that any content or information which can be found on the Site, or the services of the Company, including any content provided in relation to its services, is only provided to you on an “AS IS” basis, and is not intended to serve as real estate educational, legal, financial, expert, technical, or any form of advice to be relied upon in any way. You are therefore highly encouraged to do your own independent verification, confirmation, and fact finding on any information provided by the Site or the Company, and to assess the suitability of each information, services, or content for your own particular set of learning needs or circumstances. You agree that the Company makes no guarantees, warranties, or representations of any kind regarding the reliability, accuracy, or veracity of any information contained in this Site, its courses, or its services.  
You therefore agree that the Company, or any of its employees, agents, directors, shall in no way be liable to you for any information contained on the Site, or any content, or services which may be contained or purchased from therein. You hereby absolutely release the Company from any liability from any of these.
You also agree to further release the Company for any loss or damages which you might encounter, whether directly or indirectly, or any loss which you might suffer in connection with, or arising from, or directly because of your use of the Site, content, or services of the Company, or on your reliance with the content or services which can be found on the Site, including inaccurate or false information, uncompleted delivery or uncompleted payments, or any down time or non-availability of the Site, interruptions due to hacks or viruses, any technical difficulties, or any hardware, software, or server malfunctions.
Should you have doubts in any way, the Company hereby encourages you to first seek legal advice before relying or acting on any of the information or services found on the Site or herein.
Site Access
The Site does not warrant or represent that you will be able to access the Site or its content or services at any given time - service interruptions may occur due to reasons beyond the control of the Site, or because the Site has to undergo a maintenance procedure. The Site hereby disclaims any liability relating to its performance, functionality, accuracy, quality or availability, and reserves the right to stop, modify, or reduce any component of its service, without the need of any prior notice to you.
You hereby agree that you will be solely responsible for setting up the required prerequisites in order to ensure the competent execution of the Site, which can include a good Internet and Mobile access, or the appropriate device. You hereby agree to hold the Site or the Company harmless of any liability pertaining to a reduced functionality of the Site arising from an incompatible device, a substandard internet connection, or for any reason.
User Behaviour
Any immoral or illegal behaviour, or any action which is in violation of these terms and conditions and privacy policies is absolutely prohibited by the Company from its Site. You hereby promise and guarantee that you will only use this Site for legal and moral purposes, and that you will not violate any of these terms and conditions or privacy policies, and that you will not violate any laws and regulations. 
You expressly agree not to:
• Maltreat, bully, or offend any employee, consultant, creator, or owner of the Company.
• Create false transactions, or do any fraudulent actions through the Site
• Engage in or spread any content which can be customarily considered as offensive, defamatory, unlawful, or obscene
• Engage in acts of spamming, contests, pyramiding, or other unscrupulous schemes or acts
• Use the Site as a lead generation tool in order to get leads for your own personal benefit, or to create lists for other purposes, without the consent of the Company for both these incidents.
• Upload viruses, documents, hacks, or any files which might harm the Site or its functions.
• Use scripts or software on the Site.
• Stalk or harass other members
• Any other unlawful or immoral acts, or acts which are in violation of these terms and conditions.
Payment and Collection of Credit Card Information
By using the Site, you agree that you may be required to make payments either to the Site or third-party payment websites or facilities installed by or integrated into the Site, whether directly, indirectly, or on an escrow basis. You hereby absolutely agree that the Site may collect any and all personal information, Credit Card Information, or any information which is relevant to enable you to potentially or actually make payments to the Site, its Owner, or any third-party payment gateways or facilities installed by the Site. You also hereby absolutely agree to allow the Site to charge and collect payments from you, and from the particular payment method you provided, or on the basis of the payment information you provided, whether directly, indirectly, or on an escrow basis. You agree that your mere use of this Site represents your consent and approval to make the Site, the Company, or its third-party Payment Facilities as your authorized representative in order to charge, debit, or collect amounts from your credit card, debit card, bank accounts or whatever payment method is the case. 
You agree that any payments charged by the Site, the Company, or third-party payment facilities on you are absolutely non-refundable in nature.
You therefore expressly allow the Site, the Company, or third-party payment facilities installed by the Site to:
1. Charge you directly, indirectly, or on escrow, for any transactions on the Site.
2. Charge you directly, indirectly, or on escrow, for any amount required in order to resolve a dispute, as determined by the Site or the Company in its sole discretion, for any transaction.
3. Charge you directly, indirectly, for any amount which the Company deems to have been paid erroneously to you.
4. Charge you directly, indirectly, for any amount which the Company deems is necessary for your usage of its Site or services.

You hereby acknowledge and agree that you are completely and solely responsible for your use of the site. content, or services of the Company in relation to your personal circumstances. You further agree that the Company has no responsibility or assumed liability in relation to the site or any of its services. 
The Site and the Company provides no warranty and does not guarantee educational, financial, subject, or any improvement or results in relation to its offered services.
No Agency
You agree that there absolutely exists no employer-employee relationship between you and the Company, or any independent contractual relationship between you and the Company, or even any agency, or joint venture relationship. 
User Information
Before you can use the Site or any of its services, you hereby agree that you may be required to undergo a user registration, and to provide your information in furtherance of such a registration. With this, you agree that you will only submit and provide to the Company, correct, up to date, and relevant information, and that you will not give any false, inaccurate, or misleading information, or information that is intended to mislead the Company. You hereby absolutely agree that the responsibility of ensuring the authenticity and relevancy of your information is solely yours. You also acknowledge that the Company, in its sole discretion, may modify or delete any information which you may have submitted or given to the Site. 
In your user registration, or as a requirement for registration, you may be required an email, username, password, or any other information. You agree that the sole responsibility of keeping your account safe and secure is yours.
Should you become aware of any unauthorized use or access of your account or email, or have become aware of any breach in the security of your account or email, then you hereby agree to immediately notify the Company. Further, you hereby agree to release the Company for any liability or claims arising from or in connection with any security breach of your account, or even any unauthorized use of your account. If the unauthorized use of your account causes damage to third parties, you hereby agree to absolutely indemnify the Company for such an incident, and to pay all litigation and related expenses for any claims arising from, or in connection with any unauthorized use of your account.
You hereby also expressly promise that you will never create multiple accounts in the Site, and that your present account is not transferable.
User Indemnity
By using the Site or any of its services, you agree to protect and uphold the reputation of the Company at all times in all your activity and transactions. You hereby absolutely agree to indemnify the Company for any potential or actual liability, losses, or damages which it might encounter or arise if you breach any of these terms and conditions, or violate any law, or for any conduct or action of yours which results in any threatening or damaging act to the Company, and promise to incur all costs of litigation, or related expenses of the Company concerning any disputes or claims which may arise in connection with, whether directly or indirectly, from any of your acts. 
Limitation of Liability
By using the Site or any of the services of the Company, you hereby agree to release the Company from any liability, claims, or damages which may arise directly or indirectly, or in connection with your use of the Site or its services. If this provision shall be limited by any Court of law, you expressly agree that the maximum liability of the Company to you is your actual losses, or $100, whichever is lower. 
Violations of terms and conditions
You agree that the Company has the sole discretion, for any violation of these terms and conditions or privacy policy, to issue a suspension or reprimand, or even to terminate your account. This holds true in situations where the Company is unable to verify any of the information which you have submitted, or believe in its sole discretion that you committed any illegal or immoral act. 
You agree that any decision of the Company regarding this matter is final and unappealable, and that any action or even inaction or leniency of the Company shall not be construed as a waiver of its rights to claim under any law or court of competent jurisdiction.
Termination of User's Account
You agree that at all times, the Company has the sole discretion to maintain, reduce, or determine who are its users, and that the Company can terminate any account in its sole discretion, without the need of any particular justification. You also agree that the Company has the sole discretion to determine on which devices its Site will work, and in which languages and/or countries it will be offered. 
The Company reserves the right to reject or cancel any purchases without the need for any particular justification.
You agree that the termination of your account will mean that you will no longer be authorized to use or access the Site or any of the Company's services – however, you also hereby agree that even if your account is terminated, you are still be bound by any prohibitions or requirements on your part contained in these terms, which shall survive the termination of your account.
Refund and Authorization
If you have paid anything to the Site, or have been charged with payments you agree that all these payments to the Site or charges by the Site, the Company, or its third-party payment facilities are absolutely non-refundable in nature.  
However, in its sole discretion and depending on the situation, the Company retains the right to refund you any payments which you have made.
By using this Site, you expressly allow the Site or the Company, or the third-party payment facilities installed on the Site to charge you for payments, directly, indirectly, or on escrow.
Unless otherwise stated on the specific products sales page and order form all of our products, programs and services purchased on our Site are non-refundable.
To claim the 30-day Guarantee, purchasers must email support@realpropertyeducators.com within the first 30 days after initial purchase.
Refunds will not be granted outside these windows from date of initial purchase, for any reason.
Earnings Disclaimer
Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. 
This site and the products offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Facebook, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Facebook.
There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in any materials provided by the Company. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas, and techniques.
Success in attaining the results claimed in any materials of the Company depends on the time you devote to the materials, ideas and techniques mentioned, your financial position, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level.
Any earnings or income, or any earnings or income examples, are only estimates of what we think you could earn. There is no assurance you will achieve the same success as stated in any examples. If you rely upon any figures provided, you accept the entire risk of not achieving the same results as the information provided. This applies whether the earnings or income examples are monetary in nature or pertain to other sources financial gain.
Updates to the Site
The Company may update its services, system, or features as it sees fit, and reserves the right to discontinue any of the features or services of its Site as it sees fit, without the need of any prior notice to its users. 
Links and Social Media
Various links may be featured on the Site for your convenience. If you click on any of these links, or are redirected because of these links to another Site, you hereby acknowledge and agree that the operations and content of the target sites or apps of these links are beyond the control of the Site or the Company. As such, you hereby release the Company from any liability or claim if you are exposed to any danger or harm by visiting such apps or sites or by clicking on these links. 
The Company and Site, in its discretion, may also be found on social media sites or use the advertising functions of these social media sites. Apart from these, the Company and Site disclaims hereby disclaims any affiliation with any social media site.
Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
These terms and conditions, and any dispute and interpretation required which may arise from your usage of this Site shall be governed exclusively by the laws of New South Wales and all claims or judicial actions shall have this as the venue, to the exclusion of all possible venues. 

If you have any questions or need further information, please email us at support@realpropertyeducators.com
Copyright @ Real Estate Educators